Three phase six step motor control circuit
The three-phase six stage marine electric motor application circuit is a circuit connection diagram of an open loop motor controller with full wave and six step drive. The power switch transistor is Darlington PNP, and the lower power switch transistor is N channel power MOSFET. Since each device contains a parasitic clamping diode, the power source that can return the stator inductance energy can be supplied. Its output can drive a triangular connection or star connected stator. If separated power is used, it can also drive the Y connection of the midline grounding.
In any given rotor position, there is only one top and bottom power switch (different totem poles) in the circuit. Therefore, by properly configuring, the two ends of the stator winding can be switched from the power to the ground, and the current can be bidirectional or full wave. Because the front spike usually occurs in the current waveform, it will result in a current limiting error. Therefore, a class of Rc filters can be suppressed by a series of current filters. At the same time, Rs uses low inductance resistance, which also helps to reduce spikes.